
forgive me, frank

I try. I try to recycle, buy local, look for sustainable products, conserve, reuse... I don't leave unnecessary lights on and I don't set the heat to a comfy 75 degrees as I would like. It matters to me that I do my part to take care of God's creation. I am not the best at this and I am not the worst. I don't own an electric car but I do try to walk to work every day! (okay, so walking to work for me literally means walking like 200 yards... every little bit people, every little bit). Anyway, it matters to me, even just a little bit.

But Ben recently pointed out an ugly truth. I am a water-waster. I can't believe it! I am a disgrace, really. Captain Planet, super-hero and inspiration to many, would be sorely disappointed. I don't like to turn off water when I am "still using it". This has been a mostly sub-conscious thing, I think. It's not like I leave it on and laugh maniacally screaming, "Let the water run, I don't care!" But I do it. I think because I don't like touching the faucet when my hands are dirty. For example, when I am washing the dishes I think I leave it running because I've got soap mixed with food bits all over my hands. I don't want to touch the faucet with that! And in the bathroom when I wash my face, my hands are all soapy and I can't turn the faucet on and off with soapy hands... not to mention my eyes are closed to prevent the suds from getting into my sensitive eyes!

No excuse. I have failed Sesame Street 101. I have failed the tiny lesson that children are taught at a young age (I am sure there is even some song about turning off the water). And I call myself a conserver of resources. Hah. Shame on me. All I can do is confess and say- should have paid more attention to Sesame Street and Frank the Fish. Watch and learn, the important lesson I have so carelessly ignored...


kaley said...

As the mayor of san diego says "No time to waste, no water to waste"
apparently this is a big problem in the desert.

Gina said...

I CANNOT and I WON'T turn off the water when I brush my teeth. I just can't. It freaks me out.