

Where to begin... I am kind of experiencing a whirlwind of thoughts currently...
Today- today is our two year anniversary. We made it! (just kidding) Though it is crazy to think that it has only been two years, and on the other hand I can't believe it has already been two years. Already two years of marriage and I still haven't put together a photo album to document the momentous occasion.This is the year folks, I can feel it. Seriously though, I feel very blessed to be celebrating our two year anniversary. I am thankful that I am married to Ben- very thankful. Year 2 is apparently the cotton anniversary as far as tradition goes, so he gave me a cotton dress. Last year, for the paper anniversary, he made me roses out of paper. So sweet. 

On a somewhat related but far less important note, one year ago today I started this blog. (hooray!) I have really enjoyed writing, even though it is compiled mostly of lame and useless ramblings. Nevertheless, I enjoy it. I hope some of you have enjoyed it too. I really love reading your blog (if you have one, and have told me about it... and if you have one and are keeping it from me, that is just cold).

Today is also a day when even more staff has arrived from all over the country to come work at camp for the next 10 weeks. Tomorrow is our first big "staff-meeting", and I am really looking forward to it. In some ways, I feel completely unprepared, but I wouldn't trade the mild stress-- I have been looking forward to tomorrow for a long time. 


Unknown said...

Happy anniversary!!!

And your posts always keep me entertained. I love your blog! Keep it up!

Good luck with the new staff! Oh, how I miss my days as a counselor... camp is so much fun!

Val Nebbia - singer/songwriter said...

Happy Life. I'm so thrilled to remember that day and to read your blog and to be your friend

color me happy said...

I'm a fan of your blog! and I hope you had fun today with your staff...and I love Ben, too!


Carol said...

Happy Anniversaries! Happy 2-year Wedding Anniversary to you and Ben, and Happy one year Anniversary of your Blog. I do enjoy reading it, hey, sometimes I am even in it! Love you, Carolyn