
brunettes have more fun

I know what you're thinking... Whose that girl sitting at Tara's desk? It kind of looks like her, but it can't be, because that girl's hair is brown. Well, friends, it's true, that is me! Isn't my hair just the brownest brown you've ever seen? I've griped publically on this blog my feelings on my black hair (that had been gradually turning various shades of black, dark brown and reddish) and finally I went to Bubbles hair salon and got it fixed! I let it run its course for almost a year, and now I am thankful for my one evenly toned brown from root to tip hair color. Hooray!

...maybe it's time to just say NO to box dyes... maybe.


Val Nebbia - singer/songwriter said...

Yay! It look so pretty!

color me happy said...

You have chocolate hair! Reilly-Kate will be thrilled.


kaley said...

Maybe? I think the answer needs to be a teensy bit more firm. Like:
"Dear Kaley, I pledge to never, ever, ever box dye my hair again."
Also, your hair is perdy.

Filia Dei said...

It looks so pretty!

Carol said...

You have beautiful hair. I remember when it was very long and braided...I remember when it was PINK. Thank you for not wanting pink hair anymore! Love you, Carolyn